Frank Prendergast House
High Care:
Low Care:
Respite Care:
Dementia Care:



Room B - Single Room + Private Ensuite $295,000

Frank Prendergast House is located at 27 Pearson Drive, Success WA 6164.

Frank Prendergast House provides support for 73 residents and was opened in 2002. Our home was named after Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc Board Member, Dr Frank Prendergast, who joined the Board in 1984 and was Chairman from 1999-2005.

Frank Prendergast House was purpose built and is in a bustling central location surrounded by amenities. It is 2.1km away from Cockburn Station, 750 meters from the closest bus stop, 1.9km from the Kwinana Freeway and has onsite visitor parking which makes it convenient for family and friends to visit.

Short term respite accommodation, from one day to a number of weeks, is also offered, providing peace of mind for carers. It can also be an important step in the smooth transition of the care recipient into permanent placement.

All of our bedrooms are generously sized with single occupancy and a private ensuite. The rooms come with built in robes, lockable personal storage and a visitor chair. The room has reverse cycle air conditioning which is individually controlled. All bedrooms are located near the large communal areas, the landscaped gardens and nurses' station.

Max. Refundable Accommodation Deposit: $295,000
Max. Daily Payments: $51.40
Room Name: Room B
Room Type: Single Room + Private Ensuite

Maximum price for room: The maximum price that you can be charged for this room is a refundable deposit of $295,000.00 or daily payments of $51.40 or a combination of both.
Room size: 19 Sqm
Max. room occupancy: 1
Number of rooms of this type: 3
Explanation of payment options: Residents can choose to pay for their accommodation by a refundable deposit, a daily payment, or a combination of both. A refundable deposit is paid as a lump sum amount. A daily payment accrues daily and is paid periodically, for example monthly. A combination payment includes both a partial lump sum and daily payments.
Example of a combination payment for room: For this room a resident could pay, for example, 50% of the price by a refundable deposit of $147,500.00 and 50% of the price by daily payments of $25.70.
Common areas: The large dining and living rooms are well maintained and are furnished with occasional tables, display cabinets and wall art. Our dining room tables' seat four in a comfortable air conditioned environment with views of the well maintained gardens.

Residents and their visitors are welcome to use the house kitchen facilities to make tea/coffee and to use the communal areas and gardens. Each full size kitchen has an adjoining lounge and dining area, where an array of social activities are offered

Our residents can enjoy facilities including a library, card table, gym and piano. We also have an activity room, hairdresser and a large screen TV with DVD player along with a collection of DVDs. The on-site chapel provides a place for quiet reflection, or residents can attend the regular mass services.

Our outdoor garden area is well maintained with raised garden beds so residents can participate in gardening activities. Our covered patio, water feature and BBQ area means our residents can enjoy the great outdoors all year round. Pets are encouraged to visit.
Is this room offered on an extra service basis? : No
Special accommodation or design features of the room or home: Frank Prendergast House was purpose built for care with wide hallways, movement sensor lighting and within resident's rooms, the ensuite is within sight line of the bed. All bedrooms, bathrooms and communal areas include emergency call bells and enclosed
Additional care or services included in the room price: Our dedicated staff support our residents 24 hours a day through a variety of services including personal care, medication management and hotel services. We also receive specialist support from allied health professionals.

We encourage resident
Optional additional care or services not included in the room price, charged at extra cost: Not Applicable

Room Type A - Single Room + Private Ensuite $540,000

Frank Prendergast House is located at 27 Pearson Drive, Success WA 6164.

Frank Prendergast House provides support for 73 residents and was opened in 2002. Our home was named after Southern Cross Care (WA) Inc Board Member, Dr Frank Prendergast, who joined the Board in 1984 and was Chairman from 1999-2005.

Frank Prendergast House was purpose built and is in a bustling central location surrounded by amenities. It is 2.1km away from Cockburn Station, 750 meters from the closest bus stop, 1.9km from the Kwinana Freeway and has onsite visitor parking which makes it convenient for family and friends to visit.

Short term respite accommodation, from one day to a number of weeks, is also offered, providing peace of mind for carers. It can also be an important step in the smooth transition of the care recipient into permanent placement.

All of our bedrooms are generously sized with single occupancy and a private ensuite. The rooms come with built in robes, lockable personal storage and a visitor chair. The room has reverse cycle air conditioning which is individually controlled. All bedrooms are located near the large communal areas, the landscaped gardens and nurses' station.

Max. Refundable Accommodation Deposit: $540,000
Max. Daily Payments: $94.09
Room Name: Room Type A
Room Type: Single Room + Private Ensuite

Maximum price for room: The maximum price that you can be charged for this room is a refundable deposit of $540,000.00 or daily payments of $94.09 or a combination of both.
Room size: 19 Sqm
Max. room occupancy: 1
Number of rooms of this type: 70
Explanation of payment options: Residents can choose to pay for their accommodation by a refundable deposit, a daily payment, or a combination of both. A refundable deposit is paid as a lump sum amount. A daily payment accrues daily and is paid periodically, for example monthly. A combination payment includes both a partial lump sum and daily payments.
Example of a combination payment for room: For this room a resident could pay, for example, 50% of the price by a refundable deposit of $270,000.00 and 50% of the price by daily payments of $47.04.
Common areas: The large dining and living rooms are well maintained and are furnished with occasional tables, display cabinets and wall art. Our dining room tables' seat four in a comfortable air conditioned environment with views of the well maintained gardens.

Residents and their visitors are welcome to use the house kitchen facilities to make tea/coffee and to use the communal areas and gardens. Each full size kitchen has an adjoining lounge and dining area, where an array of social activities are offered.

Our residents can enjoy facilities including a library, card table, gym and piano. We also have an activity room, hairdresser and a large screen TV with DVD player along with a collection of DVDs. The on-site chapel provides a place for quiet reflection, or residents can attend the regular mass services.

Our outdoor garden area is well maintained with raised garden beds so residents can participate in gardening activities. Our covered patio, water feature and BBQ area means our residents can enjoy the great outdoors all year round. Pets are encouraged to visit.
Is this room offered on an extra service basis? : No
Special accommodation or design features of the room or home: Frank Prendergast House was purpose built for care with wide hallways, movement sensor lighting and within resident's rooms, the ensuite is within sight line of the bed. All bedrooms, bathrooms and communal areas include emergency call bells and enclosed
Additional care or services included in the room price: Our dedicated staff support our residents 24 hours a day through a variety of services including personal care, medication management and hotel services. We also receive specialist support from allied health professionals.

We encourage resident
Optional additional care or services not included in the room price, charged at extra cost: Not Applicable

Accredited: Yes
Certified: Yes

There are no notices of sanctions or non-compliance for this home.

Visiting pet program

Location Map

Frank Prendergast House
Pearson Drive, Success, WA, 6164.

Property ID: 144722
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